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Speciale Aanbiedingen Appartementen 
Bosa, Italie Appartement #100BOSR
Lungotemo Alcide De Gasperi n.
Appartement #100BOSR
Slaapplekken 4, 2 bed / 1 bad, 60m2/646ft2
€580 - €737 per week
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Bosa, Italie Appartement #100cSardinia
abba mala green villagge
Appartement #100cSardinia
Slaapplekken 7, 2 bed / 1 bad, 45m2/484ft2
€574 - €983 per week
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Bosa, Italie Appartement #100BOSR
Lungotemo Alcide De Gasperi n.
Appartement #100BOSR
Slaapplekken 4, 2 bed / 1 bad, 60m2/646ft2
€580 - €737 per week
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Bosa, Italie Appartement #102Bosa
zona pianu de murtas
Appartement #102Bosa
Slaapplekken 6, 2 bed / 1 bad, 70m2/753ft2
€512 - €882 per week
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Latest Apartment Reviews
Overall Vacation Rentals Rating: 4.6 of 5 Stars / 3135 Reviews Van Gasten
Bosa, Italie Appartement #100BOSR
Lungotemo Alcide De Gasperi n.
Appartement #100BOSR
  tone / Norway
Before booking this appartment, you should be warned about the
bed fleas in the small bed room (old matresses) and you should also know that there are hardly any hot water in the bathroom/shower (30 L boiler lasts for 2 minutes). If you read the description carefully you already know that there are no hot water in kitchen.

I am happy to see that the description  has been changed after our stay in June. We were promised a 50 m2 terrace with panorama view. The view is indeed very pretty and the terrace is still spaicous altough not even half the size. However, this is a roof terrace with no cover which means that birds shit all over the place. And there are a lot birds in Bosa... The furnitures on the terrace consisted of a rusty old table and dirty plastic chairs, no flowers or pots, and the general impression was not very inviting... A real shame! Such a lovely place deserves some attention.

I understood that we actually were the first family to rent this apartment ( I suspect the first review to come from family members or friends) and I really hope that some of the things we weren't happy about have been taken care of (ref. description is changed). We did not except any luxury but the apartment is really not worth the price. Especially taking in consideration that the agency charge 100 EUR. 

All that said, the apartment is decorated very nicely and it was a pleasure to see that the owner has made an effort to maintain some of the old and charming details like closets, windows, e.g.
The bathroom, however, is unforunatley not that pleasent and there is a distinct smell of sewage which is probably coming from an old piping system.

Moreover, you should know that the beach is located about 3 km from Bosa and that the river also has quite a distinct smell...

We tried to renegotiate our stay because we were not happy (the bed fleas filled up the bottle) and we were disapponited to be met by little understanding from the owner who lives in Rome. The sweetest woman in Bosa has the responsibilty of taking care of the apartment and unfortunatley she was put in a difficult situation because of our complains. What a drag having to spend part of your vacation complaining and trying to get what you paied for! That will be the first and the last time for the undersigned! Lesson learned: don't ever pay the full amount the first day!

I talked to the agency several times and they said that they had difficulties getting hold of the owner...However that may be, when you book through an agency they are the ulimate responsible for you stay. Responsibility not taken!

All that said, people in Bosa, like in the rest of Sardina, are the most welcoming and friendly people you can imagine and all the beautiful people we met during our one week stay on the island made our holiday unforgettable!

Aiuta parecchio parlare l'italiano ;)
Ci torniamo!

Apartment's owner Comments
Siamo molto dipiaciuti per quanto accaduto con gli ospiti cui sopra. Affittiamo l'appartamento da anni a italiani e a stranieri (ci sono stati olandesi e portoghesi) e mai nessuno si è lamentato di nulla. Abbiamo avuto l'impressione che ci fosse stato un misandestanding in parte della descrizione del sito e abbiamo segnalato all'agenzia di precisare ulteriormente alcune cose (dimensione terrazza). Affittiamo l'appartamento nei periodi in cui non lo usiamo giusto per coprire parte delle spese e certo non per lucro, pertanto proprio per venire incontro al disagio degli ospiti ci siamo offerti di sostituire il piccolo scaldabagno (segnalato nella descrizione), che abbiamo sempre tutti usato senza problemi, con uno più grande non appena hanno lamentato che l'acqua disponibile per loro durava troppo poco, ma non hanno voluto. Abbiamo comunque provveduto alla sostituzione non appena sono andati via. Ci dispiace non abbiano avuto modo di apprezzare un appartamento che a noi e a molti sembra particolarmente bello confortevole e suggestivo, ma certo non siamo tutti uguali e forse la prossima volta chi ha effettuato la prenotazione valuterà con più attenzione prima di portare una coppia di persone anziane in un appartamento così particolare e con tante scale da fare.

We are very sorry for what happened with the guests above. We rent the apartment for years to Italians and foreigners (there were Dutch and Portuguese) and no one has ever complained about anything. We had the impression that there had been a misandestanding in the description of the site and we reported to the agency to further clarify some things (size terrace). We rent the apartment at times when we do not use just to cover part of the expenses and certainly not for profit, so just to meet the inconvenience of the guests we offered to replace the small water heater (noted in the description), which we always all used without problems, with a larger one as soon as they complained that the water available to them lasted too little, but they didn't want it. We still were replaced as soon as they went away. Sorry, have not had the opportunity to appreciate an apartment to us and to many it seems particularly nice comfortable and charming, but we are certainly not all the same and maybe next time the person making the booking will evaluate more carefully before bringing a pair of elderly in an apartment so special and with so many stairs to climb.
Bosa, Italie Appartement #100BOSR
Lungotemo Alcide De Gasperi n.
Appartement #100BOSR
  vincenzo / Italy
Che meraviglia! Abbiamo passato una magnifica vacanza. La cittadina è bellissima, il mare incantevole e incontaminato. La casa molto curata, pulita ed accogliente. Dalla terrazza si gode il fresco e un panorama mozzafiato sulle vecchie concerie che riflettono sul fiume. La posizione della casa consente di vivere il centro storico della cittadina senza prendere la macchina e la posizione di Bosa permette escursioni molto interessanti sulla costa e all'interno. Assolutamente da tornarci!