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Tips on How to Beat the Competition in the Miami Apartment Rentals Market

More than other cities, the Miami apartment rentals market remains competitive despite the down economy. Several factors play a role in making Miami a “landlord’s town.” These include high tourism rates, strong interest among foreign investors, and an annual bump in demand from Miami apartment rentals during the winter months.

Prospective renters looking for short- or long-term Miami apartment rentals can still get a leg up on the competition by employing a few simple strategies.

1. Don’t go it alone. Use a service that will help you locate Miami apartment rentals as they become available.

2. Sign a year-long lease. This will help you overcome the seasonal jump in the price of Miami apartment rentals. Many people spend winter in Miami, but move back up North in the spring and summer. Landlords nearly always prefer the long-term stability of a tenant signs a year-long lease.

3. Bring a letter of recommendation. In a competitive market, every advantage helps. Adopting a proactive strategy that shows the landlord you can be trusted helps build confidence in your application.

4. Search when you are ready to move. The Miami apartment rentals market is fast-moving and fluid. Wait until about two weeks before you are ready to move in to shift your search in to high gear. This is the type of decision that requires focus and decisiveness. Searching when you truly feel ready to move adds a sense of productive urgency to the process.

5. Be available to view the property. When the Miami apartment rental market hits peak season, landlords are often inundated with prospective renters. Those who answer their phone and are ready to move greatly improve their chances of viewing – and landing – the apartment of their dreams.   
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